Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lost Iphone

So there is a story that has been recently released about the new iPhone 4.0 being left in a bar by an Apple employee. The prototype was sold to a tech website who released the story initially. From the looks of it the only changes so far are cosmetic but Apple finally failed at keeping something a secret, and of course the employee was fired and the prototype was returned.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ipad breaks 500,00 sales mark

Read an article a few minutes ago off of a digg link that talked about apple selling 500,000 units of their newly released Ipad already. To me, that is completely mind blowing because of all the features a device like that doesn't have. For $500 you get a large iPhone that can't take pictures or edit them, can not multitask which businesses these days rely on, and it is no more mobile than a standard laptop. So in short, if you already have an Iphone and access to a computer...then the iPad is really not needed and if you dont already have smartphone, then the iphone or android devices will meet your needs better.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Job Hunt

Started looking around for a part time summer job today, guess I kind of got a late start but I find it more important to do well in school than to have a few months worth of experience. I already have a weak gpa at 2.5 but a 3.0 in upper div classes. Registered to take summer classes a few days ago and to re-take a class I failed when i was not taking school seriously for my last semester. Hopefully I can get out of here with a 3.5 but I am so burnt out on school that I have struggled with my grades this semester and dropped from a constant A/B on my final grades to what looks like a few B's with mostly C's. People say grades aren't everything but grades are the only thing that your first employer has to go off of. I guess I will be happy if i get out with a 2.8 but I feel like I will have a hard time getting a job despite how hard I have worked the last 2 years of college, that one year that I didnt do anything will look worse that the 2 years I aced everything from calculus to stats to networking.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Started catching up on my CCNA book again today, a lot of interesting things still to learn. I still feel like I should be learning some kind of new programming language or mastering a language that i have already learned the basics to like VB or C# if i want to get a job quick after graduation. But i would rather do something i enjoy that going to a 9-5 everyday doing something i hated to do in college, but i guess sometimes you just gotta suck it up and do what it takes for a while.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Neural Network Applications

From what I understand neural network applications are an artificial way for technology to predict, simulate, perform functions such as playing chess, recognizing patterns as seen in facial recognition, or something as practical as email spam filtering in which people use everyday without even realizing it. One real word example would be sales forecasting, this lets a company know what to expect about a product or their whole line of products future sales. This is a very popular application that has shown to be very useful for companies. Another example would be risk management which will show the risks that a company might have when investing in another company, product, or just from a change day-to-day operations.

Monday, April 5, 2010


im still not sure why so many people are upset about healthcare, I dont think people utilize the right resources or any for that matter to form their own opinion. If you do or don't like it, that's fine but if I ask why then I don't expect something that came straight for CNN or Fox News.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

10 Ideas for the next 10 years

Bandwidth is defined as the capacity to move information through a channel, so the more information you move through a channel the more bandwidth you use. So with all the smart phones out like an iPhone watching videos and downloading apps are requiring more bandwidth than expected. Some companies already saw this like Apple and implemented a Wifi option into their iPhone and encourages users to use this option when they can. So the problem becomes can we rely on companies like Comcast and AT&T to upgrade their services in order to keep up with the demand, and if they don't then customers will go to the company that will, assuming one does. If not the minor information traffic jams we get today might turn in to a full scale information traffic jam later down the road. So if we keep using the internet as much as we like, which it seems that there is no indication that we will anytime in the near future, then someone will have to figure out a way to solve this problem if we all want the advantage of having a high-bandwidth connection to the internet.